Parents on the March: Organizing for Quality Education in Boston Public Schools, June 2012


Gail Snowden, from Freedom House, hosted the recent session on organizing for quality education in Boston and introduces two of Boston’s greatest education advocates and organizers Rep. Byron Rushing and Sarah-Ann Shaw.






Myriam Ortiz from Boston Parents Organizing Network provided a snapshot of the Boston Public School system in this Highlights video from the Parents on the March session.






Mel King: The History and Legacy of Community Development, January 2012

The legendary Mel King talks about community, power, organizing, and politics.  Watch some of his extraordinary teachings…PLUS more with powerful and moving clips of Lew Finfer on leadership and community advocate Ashley Rose, with a Spoken Word poem about change in Boston.


Recognizing the “I” in politicsMel King talks about his philosophy of organizing and making change in your community. Every person has to recognize why change matters to them: “No change comes to any person or group until they say they are somebody, they are deserving, and they have a right.”


Tent City, the Highway and the Orange LineMel King tells the story of  the community campaign to stop highway I-95 from going through neighborhoods in Cambridge, Somerville and Boston using a “maximum feasible participation” coalition model.




Race for Mayor of Boston: In 1983, Mel King was the first African American to be a finalist in a Boston Mayor’s election, which resulted in an unprecedented coalition of people coming together in the racially polarized city, giving a groundbreaking voice to people of all background and races who had previously felt disenfranchised.





Mel King recites a lesson in poem about keeping doors open to those in need.




Community advocate Ashley Rose challenges the audience with her moving Spoken Word poem about change in Boston.




Lew Finfew delivers a powerful introduction of what it means to be a leader.
And watch other Mel King highlights from the Academy’s Organizing for Change event in January.





Francis Fox Piven: History and Legacy of Welfare Rights Organizing, March 2012


Here is Claradine Cowell a Leader from the Mass Welfare Rights Organization.






And here are two videos of Frances Fox Piven — first the keynote, then some comments on Occupy.  Frances is is introduced by MWRO Organizer Lee Staples.






Bill Pastreich, MWRO’s Chief Organizer, talks about how it all got started.






Here are the stories from the audience — including the feisty wonderful Dottie Stevens on the left           more soon.






And here is the Q & A session starting off with Jeanne Dever giving Bill Pastreich a hard time.





Here is the link to all the Academy Videos, including the Frances Fox Piven and the Mel King sessions, and the latest Parents on the March session at the Freedom House.

Many people have told us they are using these videos for training and inspiring new organizers in Boston, because each sessions — one on The History and Legacy of  Community Development, another on the History and Legacy of Welfare Rights Organizing, and the summer session on Organizing around Quality Education in Boston Public Schools are very powerful.


The videos may take a few minutes to load depending on the speed of your Internet connection.