The Academy’s Organizing for Change series continues in June with a powerful presentation that will inspire and support today’s parents and organizers who are standing up for quality education in Boston.

Join some of the local leaders who worked with Otto and Muriel Snowden, founders of the Freedom House in the 50’s and 60’s, and parents who are working to improve quality public education today.

Discussion and small-group working sessions will be led by parents who are active on key quality education policies in Boston Public Schools today: Special Education, Dropout Prevention and Intervention, English-Language Learners, Student Assignment, and Zero Tolerance.

This Organizing for Change session is co-sponsored by the Freedom House, the Boston Parent Organizing Network, the Multi-Cultural Dropout Outreach Collaborative, East Boston Ecumenical Community Council, ¿Oíste?, Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Massachusetts Advocates for ChildrenCape Verdean Community Unido, and the Schott Foundation for Public Education and we welcome other sponsors.

Veteran organizers from the Freedom House days will be joining the discussions to offer support and advice.

Individual tickets $30.  Group discounts available.  A light supper will be provided with custom cupcakes. Parent leaders free.  Limited child care for Parent Leaders. Program will be videoed.

Tuesday, June 19


Freedom House Auditorium

14 Crawford St., Dorchester

RSVP to Judy Meredith at

or call 617-275-2923.

Flyer in  SpanishEnglish, Chinese, Cape Verdean Creole,